الرئيسية » , , » الإهداء إلى مصر مهّد الحضارة والمدنيّة - عبد المحسن ، pdf

الإهداء إلى مصر مهّد الحضارة والمدنيّة - عبد المحسن ، pdf

بِسْــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

كتاب: الإهداء إلى مصر مهّد الحضارة والمدنيّة
المؤلف: عبد المحسن
تاريخ النشر: 1992م
رقم الطبعة: الأولى
عدد المجلدات: 4
الحجم بالميجا: 97.5
A Comprehensive Study Of Egyptian Arabic.
Volume One. Conversations, Cultural Texts and Sociolinguistic Notes, 1978 (Second Edition) aims at acquainting the student with the people of Egypt – how they live, act and react on happy and unhappy occasions, how they relate to each other in their daily lives, how they spend their leisure time, etc
Volume Two. Proverbs and Metaphoric Expressions , A Prelimi- nary Edition, 1978, includes 695 Proverbs and 276 metaphoric expressions. It aims at acquainting the American student with the important roles these expressions play in everyday speech in Egyptian society.
Volume Three. A Reference Grammar of Egyptian Arabic (Gram- matical and Linguistic Terms in Dictionary Form) includes definitions and illustrations of all the grammatical features a student of Egyptian Arabic needs to know to understand the material included in Volumes I, II and IV and is conviently arranged in alphabetical order
Volume Four. Lexicon: Part I: Egyptian Arabic – English (34 Cultural Categories) Part II: English – Egyptian Arabic (34 Cultural Categories) includes basic high frequency words in such categories as Animals and Insects, Colors, Food and Kitchen Utensils, Greetings and Etiquette, etc
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