الرئيسية » , , , » الأسطوانة 27 - كتب علمية باللغة الإنجليزية ، pdf

الأسطوانة 27 - كتب علمية باللغة الإنجليزية ، pdf

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الأسطوانة السابعة والعشرون 27 - كتب علمية باللغة الإنجليزية
▫️♡_تحتوي على الكتب التالية_♡▫️
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Adomi - Security and Software for Cybercafes (IGI, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Aitchison - Pro DNS and BIND (Apress, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Albitz - DNS and BIND 5e (O'Reilly, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Anonymous - Maximum Apache Security (Sams, 2002).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Arkills - LDAP Directories Explained - Introduction and Analysis (AW, 2003).chm
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Austerberry - Technology of Video and Audio Streaming 2e (Focal, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Barrett - SSH The Secure ***** - The Definitive Guide (O'Reilly, 2001).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Bausch - Google Hacks 3e (O'Reilly, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Beasley - Networking 2e [intro ****book] (Pearson, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Beijnum - Running IPv6 (Apress, 2006).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Bejtlich - The Tao of Network Security Monitoring (AW, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Berry - Understanding Search Engines - Mathematical Modeling and **** Retrieval 2e (SIAM, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Blank - TCP-IP Foundations (Sybex, 2004).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Bollapragada - IPSec VPN Design (Cisco, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Bowen - Apache ****book 2e (O'Reilly, 2007).chm
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Bowen - Definitive Guide to Apache mod_rewrite (Apress, 2006).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Bulbrook - WAP - A Beginner's Guide (McGraw, 2001).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Burns - Security Power Tools (O'Reilly, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Cabling - The Complete Guide to Network Wiring 3rd ed - D. Barnett, et al., (Sybx, 2001) WW.pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Cache,Liu - Hacking Exposed - Wireless (McGraw, 2007).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Cannings - Hacking Exposed - *** 2.0 (McGraw, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Carlson - Communication Systems 4e - SOLUTIONS MANUAL.pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Carlson - Communication Systems 4e [bw] (McGraw, 2002).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Carmouche - IPsec Virtual Private Network Fundamentals [VPN] (Cisco, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Casad - Teach Yourself TCP-IP in 24 Hours 3e (Sams, 2003).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Chandra - Network Security with OpenSSL (O'Reilly, 2002).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Charalabidis - The Book of IRC (No Starch, 2000).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Chopra - Professional Apache Tomcat 6 (Wrox, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Clark - Data Networks, IP and the Internet - Protocols, Design and Operation (Wiley, 2003).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Cole - ******* Beware - Defending Your Network from the Wiley Hacker (New Riders, 2001).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Cole - Network Security Bible (Wiley, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Comer - Internetworking with TCP-IP - Vol. I - Principles, Protocols and Arch. 4e.pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Comer - Internetworking with TCP-IP - Vol. III - Client-Server Prog. and Applns 2e.pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Costales - Sendmail 3e (O'Reilly, 2002).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Costales - Sendmail 4e (O'Reilly, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Coulouris - Distributed Systems - Concepts and Design 3e (AW, 2001).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Cross - *** Application Vulnerabilities - Detect, Exploit, Prevent (Elsevier, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Cyber Terrorism - Political And Economic Implications - A. Colarik (Idea, 2006) WW.pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Davies - Understanding IPv6 (Microsoft, 2003).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Davies - Understanding IPv6 2e (Microsoft, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Deibert - Access Denied - Practice and Policy of Global Internet Filtering [censorship] (MIT, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Dent - Postfix - The Definitive Guide (O'Reilly, 2003).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Dooley - Cisco IOS ****book 2e (O'Reilly, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Doraswamy - IPSec - New Security Standard for Internet, Intranets and VPN 2e (Prentice, 2003).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Dostalek - Understanding TCP-IP (Packt, 2006).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Driscoll - Next Generation IPTV Services and Technologies (Wiley, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Endler - Hacking Exposed - VoIP (McGraw, 2007).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Erickson - Hacking - The Art of Exploitation (No Starch, 2003).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Erickson - Hacking - The Art of Exploitation 2e (No Starch, 2008).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Feilner - OpenVPN - Building and Integrating VPNs (Packt, 2006).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Foster - Buffer Overflow Attacks - Detect, Exploit, Prevent (Syngress, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Foster - Sockets, *****code, Porting and Coding (Syngress, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Frankel - Demystifying the IPSec Puzzle (Artech, 2001).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Fundamentals of Network Security - J. Canavan (Artech House, 2001) WW.pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Fung - Network Security Technologies 2e (Auerbach, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Funk Lord - Maximum Security 3e (Sams, 2001).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Gaskin - Broadband Bible [Desktop edition] (Wiley, 2004).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Gomillion - Building Telephony Systems with Asterisk [VOIP] (Packt, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Gosnell - Professional Development with *** APIs [Google, Paypal, Amazon etc.] (Wrox, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Gourley - HTTP - The Definitive Guide (O'Reilly, 2002).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Gregg - Hack The Stack [insecure network] (Syngress, 2006).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Halabi - Internet Routing Architectures - Definitive BGP Resource 2e (Cisco, 2000).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Hansteen - The Book of PF - No-Nonsense Guide to the OpenBSD Firewall (No Starch, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Harris - Gray Hat Hacking 2e (McGraw, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Heaton - Programming Spiders, Bots and Aggregators in **** (Sybex, 2002).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Hildebrandt - The Book of Postfix (No Starch, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Honeypots - Tracking ******* - L. Spitzner (Addison-Wesley, 2002) WW.pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Howes - Understanding and Deploying LDAP Directory Services 2e (AW, 2003).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Hunt - Sendmail ****book (O'Reilly, 2003).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Hurley - Wardriving - Drive, Detect, Defend - Guide To Wireless Security (Syngress, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Huth - Secure Communicating Systems (Cambridge, 2001).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Iniewski - Network Infrastructure and Architecture (Wiley, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\IP In Wireless Networks - B. Patil, et al., (PTR, 2003) WW.chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Jakobsson - Crimeware - Understanding New Attacks and Defenses (AW, 2008).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Jones - BSD Sockets Programming from a Multi-******** Perspective (Charles River, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Kabir - Apache Server 2 Bible [Apache 2] (Wiley, 2002).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Kaspersky - *****coder's Programming Uncovered (ALIST, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Kelly - VoIP for Dummies (Wiley, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Koziol - The *****coder's Handbook (Wiley, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Laurie - Apache - The Definitive Guide 3e (O'Reilly, 2002).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Ledford - Google Analytics 2.0 (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Ledford - SEO Search Engine Optimization Bible (Wiley, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Levine - Qmail (O'Reilly, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Lewis - Comparing, Designing and Deploying VPNs (Cisco, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Long - Google Hacking for Penetration Testers (Syngress, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Lopez - Apache Phrasebook (Sams, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Loshin - IPv6 - Theory, Protocol and Practice 2e (Morgan, 2004).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Lucas - PGP & GPG - Email for the Practical Paranoid (No Starch, 2006).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Mauro - Essential SNMP (O'Reilly, 2001).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\McClure - Hacking Exposed - Network Security 5e (McGraw, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\McClure - *** Hacking - Attacks and Defence (AW, 2002).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Medhi - Network Routing - Algorithms, Protocols and Architectures (Morgan, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Miller - Black Hat Physical Device Security (Syngress, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Miller - Googlepedia - The Ultimate Google Resource (Que, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Mir - Computer and Communication Networks (Prentice, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Mirkovic - Internet Denial of Service - Attack and Defense Mechanisms [DDoS] (Prentice, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Moodie - Pro Apache Tomcat 6 (Apress, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Naugle - Illustrated TCP-IP - A Graphic Guide to the Protocol Suite (Wiley, 1999).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Nizamutdinov - Hacker *** Exploitation Uncovered (ALIST, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Noonan - Firewall Fundamentals (Cisco, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-47\Networks\Norris - Gigabit Ethernet - Technology and Applications (Artech, 2003).chm
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Northcutt - Inside Network Perimeter Security 2e (Sams, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Pagani - Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking (Idea, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Perlman - Bridges, Routers, Switches and Internetworking Protocols 2e.pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\PPP Design, Implementation, and Debugging 2nd ed - J. Carlson (2000) WW.pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Rajshekhar - Building Dynamic *** 2.0 ***sites with Ruby on Rails (Packt, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Rappin - Professional Ruby on Rails (Wrox, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Ristic - Apache Security (O'Reilly, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Ross - The Book of Wireless 2e (No Starch, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Sanders - Practical Packet Analysis (No Starch, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Scambray - Hacking Exposed - *** Applications (McGraw, 2002).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Schiller - Botnets - The Killer *** App (Syngress, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Shinder - Scene of the Cybercrime - Computer Forensics Handbook (Syngress, 2002).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Siyan,Parker - TCP-IP Unleashed 3e (Sams, 2002).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Souders - High Performance *** Sites (O'Reilly, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Spammer X - Inside the SPAM Cartel - Trade Secrets from the Dark Side (Syngress, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Spivey - Practical Hacking - Techniques and Countermeasures (Auerbach, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Stahnke - Pro OpenSSH (Apress, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Stallings - Data and Computer Communications 5e (Prentice, 1996).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Stolfo - Insider Attack and Cyber Security - Beyond the Hacker (Springer, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Syngress - Best Damn Cybercrime and Digital Forensics Book (2007).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Syngress - Stealing The Network - How To Own A Continent (2004).chm
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Syngress - Stealing the Network - How to Own A Shadow (2007).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Syngress - Stealing the Network - How to Own an Identity (2005).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Syngress - Stealing the Network - How to Own the Box (2003).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Thomas - SSL and TLS Essentials - Securing the *** (Wiley, 2000).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Turner - Implementing Email Security and Tokens (Wiley, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Understanding Information Transmission - J. Anderson, R. Johannesson (IEEE, 2005) WW.pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\VanDyk - Pro Drupal Development 2e (Apress, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Vieler - Professional Rootkits [for Windows] (Wrox, 2007).chm
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Vladimirov - Hacking Exposed - Cisco Networks (McGraw, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Vladimirov - Wi-Foo - The Secrets of Wireless Hacking (AW, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Wainwright - Pro Apache 3e (Apress, 2004).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Wall - Crime and the Internet [cybercrime] (Routledge, 2001).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Wessels - Squid - The Definitive Guide [proxy server] (O'Reilly, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-27\Networks\White - Practical BGP [network routing] (AW, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Wireless Networking - Know it All (Newnes, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Wood - Programming Internet Email HQ [SMTP,MIME,IMAP,POP3] (O'Reilly, 1999).djvu
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Wouters - Building and Integrating VPNs with Openswan (Packt, 2006).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Young - The Hacker's Handbook - Breaking and Defending Networks (Auerbach, 2004).pdf
Scientific_books-27\Networks\Zdziarski - Ending Spam [bayesian filtering] (No Starch, 2005).chm
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